Assalamualaikum WBT
Early Childhood Education in Sarawak is being implemented by different Federal Agencies and private sector. SeDidik has played an important role in providing access to early education and childcare to the community in Sarawak starting in 1991.

Based on the long experience that SeDidik has in delivering ECCE and driven by Sarawak Government’s desire to improve the access, equity and quality of Early Childhood Education, the acquisition of SeDidik by the Sarawak Government through SFS Inc. has been a strategic move by our State Government to achieve access, equity and quality in ECCE in Sarawak.

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school or formal schooling, as it focuses on holistic development, catering to a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs to build a solid and broad foundation for a quality human capital. It is the basic right of every child to have access to preschool education. Preschool education lays foundation for character building through experiential learning. In early childhood education, fun learning is of essence, enriching curiosity and creativity and love for lifelong learning.

ECCE is one of the best investments a nation can make to promote human resource development, gender equality and social cohesion, and to reduce the costs for later intervention and remedial programmes.

Under the Ministry of Women, Early Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development, SeDidik is now focused on integrating efforts to provide access and equity to inclusive quality ECCE apart from developing professionalism amongst teachers for effective, efficient and relevant ECCE services.

Every child is important. No child should be left behind and each one is our priority for they are our state greatest asset.

Thank you.
Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Hajah Fatimah Abdullah
Assalamualaikum WBT
Realizing the significance of ECCE to the development of human capital in Sarawak, our former Chief Minister of Sarawak, Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud has inspired the idea of creating Sarawak’s own early childhood education entity.

SeDidik was then established in 1990 under 6th Malaysia Plan. SeDidik’s first pilot project centre in 1990 is TADIKA SeDidik Buntal, which is located at a fishing village of Kampung Buntal Kuching.

On 27th July 2020, SeDidik was officially handed over to the Sarawak Government, through the Ministry of Women, Early Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development.

As an ECCE institution that has been in the industry since 1991, SeDidik continuously striving to provide latest information, quality services and attending to website visitor’s feedback in order to improve our services overtime.

Rapid growth that occurs globally combined with advancements in ICT has also made us aware of the change. As an Early Childhood Education and Care institution that emphasizes on quality and productivity, fast, accurate and up-to-date information is essential to further improve our delivery of quality services to the target group.

We welcome the community to join us in strengthening the potential in programmes and activities involving children, families and the society.

Hence, my hopes are high that our website can be used as a platform in line with our current needs to constantly get connected to the community. Providing the best quality services to the community is our priority.

Ayub Bin Haji Dahari
General Manager
The establishment of SeDidik Sdn Bhd, as subsidiary company of SEDC in 1991 was inspired by the late Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud when he was Chief Minister of Sarawak then. Since then, SeDidik has positioned itself as leading provider of quality early childhood in the state. Due to its impressive success and contribution to human capital development, in January 2001 SeDidik was recognised by Sarawak Government as its social project under SEDC. On November 22, 2018 the State Cabinet agreed for the acquisition of SeDidik from SEDC in line with the state government’s strategic perspective to strengthen human capital development in the state.
On July 28, 2020, SeDidik was officially taken over from SEDC by the state government through KPWK. The ceremony was witnessed by YAB Chief Minister of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Abang Haji Openg who said: -
“SEDC has created a quality early childhood education system through SeDidik. Due to the fine work by the company, we decided to absorb its operation because the state government also wants to play a role in quality early childhood education.”
To date, there are 101 SeDidik’s CoE (SCoE) throughout the state including the five TADIKA in Tutoh Apoh area (Petronas’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects.
SeDidik is the first ECCE institution in Malaysia that implement 5S Quality Practice and certified by Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC). Besides implementing process innovation and continuous improvement through in its quality management, SeDidik is also MS ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.

SeDidik as the FIRST Choice Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Provider 


Providing Strong Foundation for School Readiness and Quality Human Capital 




The strategic alignment of SeDidik locally and globally will ensure its continuing relevant as prime mover of early childhood education in the state and adopt global targets on SDG 4: Early Childhood Education and Sustainable Development: - 

  1. Sarawak Aspiration 2030

Education and Human Capital:  Capability building for girls and women.

  1. Vision and Strategic Objective of KPWK

Sustaining Community Wellbeing for A Dignified Existence for All

  1. Global Goals 2030

SDG 4: Quality Education – Target 4.2, Target 4.5, and Target 4.a

Naturally linked to SDG1: Eradicate Poverty, SDG2: End Hunger and Improve Nutrition, SDG 3: Ensure Healthy Lives, SDG 5: Achieve Gender Equality, SDG 10: Reduce Inequality, SDG 16: Promote Peaceful Societies and SDG 17: Strengthen the Means of Implementation.

  • Represent hornbill the emblem of Sarawak; SeDidik & Sarawak
  • 'S' Umbrella to potray SeDidik encompasses al ECCE services
  • Providing holistic life-long learning
  • BLACK - Authority, Professionalism
  • early childhood
  • education
  • excellence
  • equity
  • Star with 12 spikes (12 Divisions/SeDidik shines)
  • YELLOW - Loyal to our Country/State, Confidence
  • RED - Happiness, bold, bravery

Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Hajah Fatimah Abdullah


Yang Berhormat Datuk Hajah Rosey binti Haji Yunus


Dato Sri Dr. Haji Wan Lizozman Bin Haji Wan Omar


Yang Berbahagia Puan Salina binti Bujang


Yang Berbahagia Puan Noriah Binti Ahmad


Yang Berbahagia Dr. Siti Zaliha Binti Reduan


Miss Yiu Sii Mink


Ayub Bin Haji Dahari

General Manager
Email :
Phone : 082-356977

Siti Rodziah Bunsu Drahman

Senior Manager, Corporate Services Sector
Email :
Phone : 082-335419

Awang Kaderi Bin Awang Mahdar

Senior Manager, Program Delivery Sector
Email :
Phone : 082-347489

Jelawai Munang

Manager, Human Resource Division
Email :
Phone : 082-330619

Norlidah Binti Berawi

Manager, Administration Division
Email :
Phone : 082 - 330694

Nur Syahida Binti Saopi

Manager, Finance Division
Email  :  
Phone : 082-335419

Hanidah Binti Suhaili

Manager, Taska Operation Division
Email :
Phone : 082-345401

Alfia binti Mohamad Nawi

Manager, Tadika Operations Division
Email  :
Phone : 082-345401

Norlida binti Mahidin

Manager, Program Development and Evaluation Division
Email  :
Phone : 082-330013

Suryanti binti Ahmad

Head of Unit, Project Management Unit
Email  :
Phone : 082-335419

Nur Hafiza binti Abu Bakar

Head of Unit, Corporate & Public Relation Unit
Email  :
Phone : 082-330137

Roland bin Aran

Head of Unit, Information Technolgy Unit
Email  :
Phone : 082-330137
Azlina Binti Abdul Aziz

Tingkat 2, Lot 410, Seksyen 5,
Kuching Land District, Jalan Kulas,
93400 Kuching, Sarawak.

Phone : 082-330644

Email :


No 53, Lot 2303 Seksyen 66,
Yoshi Square, Jalan Pelabuhan,
Pending Industrial Estate,
93450 Kuching, Sarawak.


TEL : 082-330137/082-330691 (HR)

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